Title: Semblance Genre(s): Action – Puzzle – Platformer Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: July 24, 2018 Company: Nyamakop / Good Shepherd Entertainment

About This Game

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Unique and innovative deforming platform gameplay: Can’t reach a collectible? Just deform and elevate a piece of the ground so that the point you jump from is higher. Nasty spikes in the way? Just deform and push-down the ground lower so that you can pass by. Squish, bounce, squash and transform the world- and yourself to solve problems. Beautiful Minimalist Aesthetic Design: Explore 3 worlds bursting with colorful minimalist charm, quirky critters, and calming vistas. Become hypnotized by each world’s dynamically layered score, each with a hint of African aural distinction. Explore non-linearly: The game allows you to move between puzzles as you wish, never forcing you to find a solution in order to progress and enabling you to come back later. Similarly, the game’s narrative is presented expansively, allowing you to explore- and piece together the story for yourself as you roam the game.

Video/s from the Game:

Semblance (c) Nyamakop / Good Shepherd Entertainment Semblance is a landscape change platformer set in a minimalistic world. This game tells you: you can change the world! A new platform concept: what if platforms help you overcome obstacles? Explore a “soft” world that lacks the concept of a solid state. The game features three worlds – three planets, on the landscape of which you can influence. Shatter strange crystalline taint of tough material, releasing life essence and revealing the cause of this taint. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/semblance How to Easily Download & Install Semblance

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